Hourly Forecast
This is a detailed description of how to get a spot weather forecast for the current day and the next 5 days with hourly data in a graphical format using the Internet. This is a very useful tool for prescribed burn planning.
Go to www.weather.gov.
Enter your city in the search box. In this case, I entered Brenham, TX. Here is what you get.
You could also enter your street address (aka your 911 address) for your property or a Zip code. Note that NOAA regularly changes the layout of this page, so it may look different from this. But it should function the same.
Click on Get Detailed Info.
Here’s what you get.
To look at the next two days, click on the Forward 2 Days button. You can repeat that again for a total of today plus five days in the future.
Note that there are options on the data that are graphed. Choose which ones you want in the checkboxes at the top of the page, as shown below.
These are the typical ones you need for prescribed burn weather.
Know your weather. Burn safely.